Quantum Optics with Electron-Photon Pairs
combining photonic quantum optics
with electron microscopy

Electron microscopy is a highly developed technology that employs the wave properties of electrons to resolve structures at an atomic level. In this project we want to utilize Cherenkov radiation ─ which is generated by uniformly moving charged particles (electrons) with velocities exceeding the speed of light in a nearby dielectric medium ─ to create correlated electron-photon pairs, within a transmission electron microscope. This will enable a powerful new platform to study interesting quantum phenomena with far reaching applications, due to their different physical properties: the massive electron with picometer de Broglie wavelength, enabling atomic resolution, and the Cherenkov photon with micrometer wavelength, which is easy to guide, manipulate and detect in a phase coherent manner. Within the next years we plan to build up experiments at the intersection of photonic quantum optics and electron microscopy. Be part of it!
Supported by FFG, FWF, ÖAW
Lattice Atom Interferometry
New frontiers in quantum sensing
with ultra-long interaction times

Atom interferometers have enabled us to measure forces with exceptionally high precision. Inevitably, these forces are averaged over the free-fall trajectory of the atoms (up to 10 m), since sensitivity scales with the free-fall time. This precludes measurements of localized forces. To shrink these distances we will use the optical lattice of a high finesse cavity to hold the atoms against gravity in order to perform lattice atom interferometry with ultra long interaction times. These advances will empower us to:
Search for new physics: The observed dark matter/energy content of the universe motivates several classes of theories which result in a force acting on atoms near surfaces. At similar length scales, string theory and other unification theories predict putative deviations from Newton´s inverse square law of gravity. Searching for such exotic forces requires precise characterization of atom-surface interactions induced by quantum vacuum fluctuations e.g. van der Waals-London, Casimir-Polder, and thermal-radiation induced forces. This will isolate possible contributions of exotic forces, while providing insight into the physics of quantum atom-surface interactions.
Investigate optically-induced inter-particle interactions: These interactions cause self-organization of atoms and nanoparticles into freely propagating optically-bound particles, which paves the way for exploring quantum interference of complex multi-atom systems. We will investigate interference effects with interacting ensembles of atoms exploring a variety of novel light induced collective phenomena.
Supported by FWF-START